Understanding, Managing, and Living with the

Health Effects of Asbestos

$7.5 Million Asbestos Judgment Upheld in New Jersey

August 26, 2010

Trenton, NJ: A $7.5 million settlement has been awarded to a woman who contracted asbestos mesothelioma from washing her husband's work clothes for three decades. The settlement was upheld by a New Jersey appellate court, resulting from an earlier decision in the case of Bonnie Anderson vs. AJ Friedman Supply Co Inc. The court also awarded $500,000 for Mrs. Anderson's husband, and prejudgment interest.

The Anderson's brought the product liability suit against several defendants, but in the end went to trial against Exxon Mobil Corp, after claims against the manufacturers named in the suit were dismissed.

The Anderson's alleged that Ms. Anderson contracted mesothelioma from one or two sources of asbestos exposures: her own 12-year employment working at an Exxon refinery and from laundering her husband's asbestos-laden work clothes during his employment with Exxon from 1969 to 2003, according to court records.

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