Understanding, Managing, and Living with the

Health Effects of Asbestos

Toy Emulating CSI Shown to Contain Cancer Causing Asbestos Material

April 18, 2008

Los Angeles, CA Asbestos victims' advocacy group, The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization has filed a lawsuit against retailers, one toy manufacturer, and the CBS Corporation. The lawsuit was sparked by a toy that emulated the show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."

The toy contains a Fingerprint Analysis Kit which was found to involve two types of asbestos material for the fingerprint dusting portion of the toy. The manufacturer is Planet Toys, Inc. and they removed the toy from the market during the end of 2007. Planet Toys, Inc. has maintained that their studies don't' show any evidence of asbestos material in the toy.

Fingerprint"However, within the contents of the lawsuit filed in the Los Angeles court system, documentation shows that asbestos was found during testing of the CSI toy. Their finding was that the fingerprint powder had large amounts of the asbestos material known as Tremolite. Tremolite was in the largest concentration but at least one other undisclosed type of asbestos material was found as well. The advocacy group that filed the lawsuit is seeking a full refund for consumers who purchased the toy. Also, the group wants to completely put and end to the sale of the toy unless Planet Toys, Inc. agrees to label the toy with a hazardous material warning.

During December of 2007, the Department of Consumer Protection halted anymore of the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kits from being sold in Connecticut. They had conducted their own testing of the toy and found the harmful asbestos material. They realize that children that watch the show will want to buy the toy and they feel an obligation to protect them from the harmful asbestos material. The group conducted studies on the CSI toy at three different laboratories not connected with the advocacy group. It took many weeks for the toys to be removed from Connecticut shelves and they continued to be on the market in stores elsewhere. Levels of asbestos material in the toys were found to be five percent of the powder content, which is extremely high. Inspectors placed an embargo on the toy and also communicated the findings to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). It wasn't until the end of December, 2007 that Planet Toys, Inc. then requested the toy be removed from stores.

The type of asbestos most prevalent in the toy, Tremolite, has the make-up and its crystalline fiber design is known to be a deadly hazardous material. It is determined that there are no "safe zones" for asbestos levels in any product. Warnings have been issued to consumers who purchased the toy as well. Asbestos has been shown to be carcinogenic in nature, and especially is a culprit in causing deadly lung cancer such as mesothelioma. The cancer affects the interior lining of the abdominal and chest cavities. Lungs start to develop scar tissue that is thick and fibrous. Many experts believe that the use of asbestos laden materials in the manufacturing of products explains why people who don't smoke nor have worked around asbestos develop the disease.

By: Delsia Hartford