Asbestos News
Study: Naturally Occurring Asbestos Poses a Risk
Because the risk of developing asbestosis and mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos is so high, there are rules to protect employees who regularly work around asbestos. But people who do not work around asbestos might also be at risk of asbestos cancer, asbestosis and other serious health problems, without even knowing about it. Usually, this secondary asbestos exposure is due to a loved one working with asbestos - and may result in an asbestos lawsuit being filed. But a new study suggests that naturally occurring asbestos might also pose a problem.
Asbestos Lawsuit Granted Reprieve by Appeals Court
Donald Peter worked as a machinist at Pabst Brewing Co. He began working there in 1959 and would have thought nothing of the working conditions beyond basic safety on the job. And then in 2012, he was diagnosed with malignant pleural asbestos mesothelioma. He sued Sprinkmann Sons Corp., alleging that exposure from pipe insulation the defendant was charged with repairing caused his disease.
$358M Asbestos Settlement Announced
A $358 million asbestos settlement has been announced by a company that was facing bankruptcy. The settlement involves future asbestos claimants with claims against Garlock Sealing Technologies LLC. Of the amount provided, $250 million will be contributed when the company’s reorganization plan is put into effect and $77.5 million will be contributed over the next seven years.
School Bus Driver’s Widow Wins $7.7 Million in Asbestos Lawsuit
An asbestos lawsuit has resulted in a $7.7 million award, after a school bus driver died from mesothelioma allegedly linked to his time working around school buses. Meanwhile, an asbestos injury lawsuit filed against a cruise line has also resulted in an award for the plaintiff.
The Ongoing Asbestosis Legacy of Ambler, PA
One would have to forgive anyone with an interest in or issue with asbestosis disease and/or mesothelioma for looking toward Ambler, Pennsylvania, for perspective on just how bad things can get, and just how pervasive asbestos was in a time before much was known about the stuff.
Mesothelioma Plaintiffs Buoyed by $800 Million Trust for Settling Cases
A manufacturer of home repair products besieged by a reported 15,000 asbestos mesothelioma lawsuits and a liability pegged at $1.1 billion has emerged from four-year bankruptcy protection infused with an $800 million trust fund for handling asbestos lawsuits and personal injury claims.
Asbestos Exposure an Ongoing Concern
For people who worked with asbestos drilling mud or are regularly exposed to asbestos, concerns about mesothelioma and other asbestos-related health problems are an ongoing concern. And while most asbestos-related health problems are experienced by the people who worked with the carcinogen, their loved ones might also suffer serious problems.
Companies Fined for Exposing Workers to Asbestos
Two companies face almost $380,000 in fines for allegedly exposing employees to asbestos, putting them at risk of asbestosis and other diseases linked to asbestos. The fines are related to the demolition of an apartment building in Seattle, during which time employees were exposed to asbestos and asbestos was reportedly not properly disposed of.
Report Suggests Link between Mesothelioma and Wine Making
While asbestos lawsuits alleging patients developed mesothelioma from asbestos exposure tend to focus on exposure during employment in heavy industry, one report suggests another industry might have resulted in asbestos exposure. According to the authors of the report, a man who worked for a winemaker in Italy from 1960 to 1988 and later developed pleural mesothelioma.
Asbestos-Related Deaths Linked to “Factory of Death”
A “factory of death” might sound like something out of a horror movie, but for many people living in a Melbourne suburb, the factory of death didn’t seem terrible at the time. That might be because they did not realize until years later that the asbestos from a nearby factory could cause serious health problems, including asbestosis and mesothelioma. In fact, so little was known about asbestos at the time, that children reportedly played in piles of the carcinogen. It was only decades later, after people have died from asbestos-related diseases, that the true harm caused by asbestos was known.
Major Oil Drilling Enterprise References Drilling Mud Lawsuits in Q2 Report
It is no surprise that asbestos, long used as a heat retardant for its excellent insulating properties, would be used on drilling rigs in order to keep drills and other drilling apparatus cool to avoid catastrophic breakdowns and other failures. Amongst the allegations contained in many a drilling mud lawsuit is that mud engineers and other oil rig workers were not made aware of the dangers associated with asbestos, and that employers failed to provide guidance or protective gear to spare their employees certain harm over the long term.
Mesothelioma Award Considered Highest in New York State
When Ralph P. North got up in the morning and went to work at a job site that would eventually become the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) power station in Northport, Long Island, more than 40 years ago, little did he know that he would be setting up his future with a lifetime sentence of pain and suffering brought on by asbestos mesothelioma.
Researchers: Possible Link between IPF and Asbestosis
When patients know they have been exposed to asbestos, it might be easier for them to understand how they have developed asbestosis or other asbestos-related diseases. But not everyone realizes they have been exposed to asbestos, and asbestosis is remarkably similar to another lung condition, pulmonary fibrosis. The two are so similar that some researchers believe that some cases of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) might actually be asbestosis.
Possible Link between Asbestos and IPF
People who worked with asbestos drilling mud and other products that contained asbestos might already be well aware of the potential for serious health problems such as asbestosis and mesothelioma. A new study from England and Wales suggests asbestos exposure might also be linked to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), according to Medscape (9/15/14). Although no relationship between asbestos and pulmonary fibrosis has been proven, researchers suggest their findings could result in new treatment for patients exposed to asbestos.
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Asbestos Lawsuit
Although many asbestos lawsuits are filed by employees who allege they were exposed to asbestos in the course of their work, some asbestos claims are known as “take-home asbestos exposure.” These asbestos mesothelioma cases allege that the person who developed the disease did not work with it, but was exposed to it by a loved one who brought asbestos fibers home on his or her clothing.
Alabama Court Rules Employer Has Duty of Care to Non-Worker in Asbestos Case
It has been long held by many plaintiffs that asbestos fibers brought home on work clothes from an employee exposed to asbestos can have a detrimental effect on the health of other family members, including the development of asbestosis disease. To that end, a federal court in Alabama has ruled that an employer can be held liable for the death of the spouse of one of its employees from asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Drilling Mud Lawsuit: Workers “Looked Like Snowmen”
Given the amount of concern about the risks of asbestos and products that contain asbestos, such as asbestos drilling mud, some people might assume that asbestos is no longer in use. This, of course, is not the case. And while some products no longer contain asbestos - and workers are meant to be offered protection when they are exposed to items containing asbestos - lawsuits are still being filed alleging workers developed serious, life-threatening complications due to their exposure to drilling mud and other asbestos-containing products.
Court Blasts Attempt by Brake Maker to Weasel Out of $2M Asbestos Verdict
A California appeals court rejected a dubious effort by Pneumo Abex LLC, a maker of auto brake parts containing asbestos, to weasel out of a $2 million verdict against it that was supported by expert testimony.
Asbestos Lawsuit Passes Appellate Test, $2 Million Verdict Stands
There are many issues involved with an asbestos lawsuit that can make it complex, regardless of the apparent causation and association to disease from exposure to asbestos in a workplace or industrial setting. And some trials end somewhat curiously, with one judge recently ruling that a plaintiff could not conclusively prove that the defendant was aware, at the time, that mesothelioma could be triggered from secondary exposure to asbestos.
Plaintiffs and Defendants Locked in Asbestos Drilling Mud-Slinging
It’s been a little over a year since a group of 10 plaintiffs hooked into some drilling mud-slinging with a group of defendants, accusing them of needless exposure to asbestos while working on offshore drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. The ten, claiming to suffer from “asbestos maladies,” filed their drilling mud lawsuit in Louisiana on June 10 of last year.
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